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Stop missing customers.

We ❤️ second-hand and want to give you the tools you need to grow your business fast.

80% of second-hand shoppers search online first, but most second-hand items are invisible to them. With Minimist, it's really, really simple. Take a picture of the items coming in, and we'll do the rest of the work to get them online and searchable.

Try our app for free today and scan your first item in under 2 minutes.

    Digitise any item in 10 seconds
    No more manual listing - our AI "listing co-pilot" saves you 95% of the time entering data.
    Get pricing right everytime 
    Minimist's AI automatically learns how you price items, saving time training staff and increasing sales.
    Unlock new insights
    Understand and organise your inventory in greater detail, and stop wasting days on stocktakes
    We want to meet more second-hand shops!
    If you put your email in, you'll get a personal message, no salesy spam.